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The Group offers a variety of services for institutions who are willing to invest in Qatar Exchange

Institutions services

Features :

  • Low Latency , the orders are executed immediately
  • STP ( Straight Through Process ) , no manual actions intervene the orders flow
  • Privacy : The institution has full control over the account
  • Capacity : the system is able to acquire huge number order orders and allow high throughput trading .

Available routing options :

  • Thomson Reuters ROR
    The Group is an active participant in ROR network and is able to receive orders .
  • Bloomberg
    The Group is an active participant in Bloomberg network and is able to receive orders from Bloomberg
  • DMA
    The Group offers Direct Market Access (DMA) service that allows an institution to connect directly to the Qatar Exchange trading engine UTP , the participant is sponsored by The Group .
  • Direct FIX Gateway
    The Group offers direct FIX protocol connection for institutions using FIX gateway but not part of any of the mentioned networks , this is secured by direct VPN connection between The Group and the institution .
  • Tadawul System
    A desktop application is available for download from The Group site and works using regular internet connection . The system enables the user to manage all his accounts .

Settlement :

The Group offers settlement for trading through DVP mechanism allowed by QE if the customer's account is held at a custodian bank . also for regular customers , the settlement could be done by regular bank transfers .

For more information about the institutional and corporate service , kindly contact operations@thegroup.com.qa

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