Doha Bank announces that the General Assembly Meeting AGM and EGM will be held on 25/02/2025, Doha Bank, Head Office Tower – West Bay – floor no. (1) and 06:00 PM. In case of not completing the legal quorum, the second meeting will be held on 12/03/2025, Doha Bank, Head Office Tower – West Bay – floor no. (1) and 10:00 PM
Ordinary General Meeting’s Agenda:
1. Hearing the report of the Board of Directors on the Bank’s activities and its financial position for the fiscal year ended on 31/12/2024 and discussing the Bank’s future plan.
2. Discussing and endorsing the Board of Directors’ report on Corporate Governance for the year 2024.
3. Hearing the External Auditor’s report on the balance sheet and the accounts presented by the Board of Directors for the fiscal year ended on 31/12/2024 and also hearing their reports on Internal Control over Financial Reporting and Compliance with Qatar Financial Markets Authority governance code for listed companies.
4. Discussing and endorsing the balance sheet and the profit & loss account for the financial year ended on 31/12/2024 and the Board of Directors’ recommendation to distribute cash dividends to shareholders for QR (0.10) per share and approval thereof.
5. Discharging the Board of Directors from liability and determining their remuneration.
6. Discussing and approving “a. The Board members’ remunerations policy b. Performance-based remunerations policy, c. Nomination policy, board members’ election & board committees formation procedures and d. The succession planning policy”.
7. Appointing the External Auditor for the financial year 2025 and determining their audit fees.
Extra Ordinary General Meeting’s Agenda:
1. Approving the amendment of articles nos. (16, 31, 65), of the bank’s Articles of Association.
2. Authorizing the Board Chairman and/or Vice Chairman and/or the Managing Director, individually, to obtain the necessary approvals from the competent authorities for the amended Articles of Association, incorporate any revisions requested by such authorities, and to sign and ratify the amended Articles of Association accordingly.
(The Meetings’ Agendas are Subject to Qatar Central Bank’s Approval)