Qatar Navigation Q.P.S.C. ("Milaha") announces that the General Assembly Meeting AGM will be held on 24/02/2025, at the Company’s Head Office (via Zoom app) and 05:00 PM. In case of not completing the legal quorum, the second meeting will be held on 03/03/2025, in the same place and 09:30 PM
Agenda of the Ordinary General Assembly Meeting
1. Presenting the Chairman’s message, presenting the Board of Directors’ Report of Milaha Group’s operation and financial position for the year ending 31/12/2024, and the future plan of the Group; and approval of both.
2. Presentation of the Auditor’s Report on the Financial Statements of Milaha Group for the financial year ending 31/12/2024, and approval of same.
3. Discussing the Statement of Financial Position and Statement of Income of Milaha Group for the financial year ending 31/12/2024, and approval of same.
4. Discussing the Group’s Annual Governance Report for 2024, and approval of same.
5. Discussing the Board’s recommendation for distributing cash dividends to the Shareholders at 40% of the nominal value, amounting to QR 0.40 per share, and approval of same.
6. Discharging the Board Members for liability for the financial year 2024, and approving the remunerations recommended for them.
7. Appointing an Auditor for the financial year 2025 and deciding their fees.