Medicare Group Co. : Discloses the judgment in the lawsuit appeals filed to the Court of Cassation No: 1200/2024 and 1403/2024


Medicare Group Co. discloses the judgment in the lawsuit no 1200/2024 and 1403/2024 .

filed to the Court of Cassation by Medicare Group against the National Health Insurance Company - SEHA (under liquidation) & others and the appeal filed by the National Health Insurance Company – SEHA against Medicare Group. The Court of Cassation decided on Tuesday, December 3, 2024, the following:

1- In the appeal filed by Health Insurance Company – SEHA: Accepting the appeal, Referring the case to the court of appeal and obliging the respondent to pay the expenses.

2- In the appeal filed by Medicare Group: Expiration of Litigation.

Accordingly, the case will be considered again before the Court of Appeal, and the company will disclose the judgment of the Court of Appeal once issued.

It is worth to be mentioned that the appealed judgment had ruled on 20/05/2024 as follows:

Obliging the National Health Insurance Company -SEHA, to pay Medicare Group an amount of QR 109,139,839 in addition to the amount of QR 5,000,000 as comprehensive compensation and reject all other demands.

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